Over time, a great change in the sensitivity of people is observed with the objective of carrying out voluntary work in some institution so that their values can help others. If for some people it is a good thing on the other hand it is still noticed the rejection of people to participate in a voluntary work.
The experiences in volunteer work have allowed to know and to improve realities on the practice of volunteering in the new times. Every opportunity I take to volunteer work is very gratifying, because I acquire new learning for life.
It is important to emphasize that during the experience of volunteer work great learning is obtained from the monitoring of the organization of the environment, from the motivation of the volunteers to the execution of the planning established to reach the final objectives.
The motivated and committed volunteers for a noble cause undoubtedly generate a synergy for the clients in their approaches and in the deliveries of the leaflets where they are described the foods necessary to compose the basic baskets to be distributed the registered people.
The volunteer's differential is having the inner will to be willing to help, to want to improve one's condition of life, to practice effective actions and to make a difference with his or her donation. Regardless of the yes or no received during the approach with the client, the motivation present in each volunteer sensitizes in the other the act of donating a pound of food.
Each volunteer's vibrant ability to multiply attitudes becomes critical to achieving the ultimate goals of volunteer work.
In order to carry out voluntary work, it has no fixed chronological age but an emotional age that allows a positive perception of the true values of solidarity work in favor of those who are disadvantaged or who live in social vulnerability.
Volunteer work requires that each one be able to cope with differences of values and to turn their sympathetic thoughts into a chain of unity in turning difficulties into opportunities to improve the lives of others.
It is important that society is mobilized in the organization of volunteer work and that we have more and more people committed to social actions in favor of life.
We live in a moment of rapid change, which demands of the human being a daily review of mental models in the search for a better conduct and commitment to social causes.
With the evolution of human demands, the volunteer model requires frequent updates so that we have more volunteers willing to really serve others and have happier people with better quality of life.
In this scenario it is noticed that volunteering is seeking to occupy a representative position within society, for this it is necessary to have a leadership committed to keep the team engaged in being frequently performing events so that the flame of solidarity work is part of people's lives.
It is important to emphasize that there are already companies that value volunteer work in the candidate's CV when hiring. It is a sign of change for the new times!
Voluntary work makes one grow in human sensibility and perceive the different realities when one takes on the role of knowing the difficulties of the other.
Volunteer work develops the social skill of the human being! Think about it!
Written by José Rovaní, Consultant and University Teacher.
Contact: treinamentos@highpluss.com.br
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